About Us

We are a small congregation of the Uniting Church, based in Picton NSW. We offer a mix of traditional worship, with a faith that is engaged in current issues and seeks to find ways of living out our faith in the modern world. We have a range of ages and views, and are accepting of all people, including those who might expect to feel uncomfortable in church.

We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month, and all are welcome to take part as they feel comfortable. The congregation also have small informal Bible study gatherings over coffee, called Lectionary Lattes, as well as a Lenten Bible Study. Each Christmas the church runs the carols in Picton, on the first weekend in December and we also donate a scholarship to the local public high school.

We worship in a fairly traditional way, and are friendly and informal. Our worship is led by our Minister of Pastor, Geraldine Clarkson, with a message being brought usually by one of our congregation members. Music is a mix of genres, provided by piano, violin and sometimes guitars, as well as some good singers! We meet after the service for morning tea. We offer Kids Church and a Youth Church during Sunday services when enough young people are present.


Getting Involved

All are welcome to attend worship on Sunday mornings, and are able to join the Stewards roster (greeting people at the door), the morning tea roster or the preaching roster.

People can help out with music, pastoral care and particular projects of the church. Please feel free to come along and participate in programs we run such as Lecitonary Lattes, Youth and Kids Church activities.

To find out a bit more about what we get up to, head over to our facebook page using the icon in the banner below.